Energize Our Schools with Integrated Energy Therapy

By Jayne Milak-Dempsey

         As parents, we send our children to school with paper, pencils, folders, bookbags, and lots of other good stuff. We think they're prepared with all of the tools to master the jewels buried in their books and their teachers' souls.

         As teachers, we receive a group of children that are wide-eyed and open, a lifetime of hope in front of them. Often, we see smiling, secure, excited children - ready to embark each day on a new "Wonder-Journey" of learning.

         But lots of other times, we open our doors to hurting little hearts, students that have their minds engrossed far from the classroom. We often see angry eyes instead of wondrous eyes. We're met with heavy hearts instead of carefree ones. So many times, we want to shout, "You can do it! You can do it! Please, please, just TRY!" because so many of our students are frozen in their own belief system of "I can't." Standing at the base of an opportunity to learn, grow, and soar - many of our students are sure of one thing – they are powerless. And on top of the whole thing, so much of this is unspoken, because the child's voice has been so muttled for so long. He or she doesn't know how to begin to say, "I hurt." My students, my "babies," are terrified of stepping out to the big bad world of the unknown, so they just stay where it's comfortable. All too often, that comfortable spot is not emotionally healthy or scholastically productive.

         My goodness, this seems so dismal. Why - as a teacher, as a mother - am I so strong about the sadness that I see? The simple truth is because – as a teacher - I live it every day. As a teacher, I come to school full of new ideas that I'm SURE will work and – every day – I meet so many of these emotional and mental blocks. As a mother, I see them, too. This is, however, not as dismal as it seems. This is only a report of facts. This entire problem has a huge, over-abundant  solution, like the flowing of a waterfall. Today, there definitely is a way to help remove the negativity that plagues our children and to totally revamp our playing field of learning.

         We can solve it with implementing a program of Integrated Energy Therapy within our school system. "Oh, my goodness, what on earth is that?" you might say. This doesn't sound very traditional…..or does it? Actually, this is very simple, very scientific, very logical, and something everyone can do.

         We teach the children in science that all matter begins with energy. It is a scientific fact that there is an energy source surrounding each person. Similar to DNA, that energy source carries within it an entire history of emotions – some negative, some positive. The negative emotions are: guilt, threat, distrust, pressures from "shoulds" from males and females, over-responsibility, betrayal and heartache, anger, resentment, powerlessness, and fear of the unknown.

         Take a deep breath, my friends. There is a beautiful "flip side." The refreshing world of positives includes: innocence, trust, support, freedom, love, forgiveness, ease, and safety. Doesn't that feel better? Aren't you relieved that there is a way out of this?

         Yes, that's the point. There definitely IS another side of negativity. There definitely IS a whole world of positivity that is "natural," the way we're "supposed" to be. However, the reality is that it's impossible to escape life without having some negative things happening to us. It is also reality, however, that there is a scientific way to remove that negativity and replace it with positive stuff.

         The "stuff" we're talking about is actually energy – that thing that we can't see or touch, but we know beyond a shadow of a doubt that it's real. Have you ever "felt" someone behind you before you could hear footsteps? Do you feel warm and welcome in some people's presence, but frightened in others? I'm sure you have. It's because there is a 4-foot energy field around each and every one of us. Within that energy field are key centers called cellular memory areas, where we hold negative or positive energy. For us to be healthy, all of these centers need to be cleared of negativity and to be filled with positive energy. It's a process we call being "open" and being "centered." It's like taking a glass filled with spoiled milk, washing it out, and re-filling it with fresh, new milk.

         For our children to be open to learning and to be open to growing in a positive way, these energy fields need to be open as well. There is a way to clear each person's energy field. It's called Integrated Energy Therapy, or IET.  A therapist can work with anyone, including a child, to remove any negative energy and to imprint positive energy. Because we're working with a 4-foot field around a person, the child does not have to be touched at all. Because there's a big hullabaloo about touching a child in the public school system, touching the actual energy points is probably prohibitive, but that's OK. It can work just as powerfully without any direct contact.

         Let me give you one example of how this can work. A child comes to me. He's furious that the little girl next to him just hit him. He wants to hit her back. "That won't solve the problem," we tell him. As an IET therapist, I can place my hand behind him, inches or a foot away from his body, and feel the anger spot coming out of the 7th cellular memory area. At the same time, I start to remove the anger and imprint forgiveness. The child doesn't even know I'm doing it. The only thing that happens is that he starts to calm down, within about 10 seconds.

         Here's another example. This is a child – as a teacher – I cannot reach. I keep on talking to him and get only a smug laugh. He never looks at me. I try to get him aside and say, "Tell me. What's the matter? What is it?" I try that same invisible spot where the anger cellular memory area is, again never touching him. This time, there's no response. I try a different one – betrayal, the heart, the 5th cellular memory area. Just as I'm "energizing" the spot behind him (bringing energy by holding my hand a few inches away that area on his body), he turns to me and looks me straight in the eye for the first time. He says, "OK, I'll try." I later found out that my precious student's mother died a couple years ago, and his grief has him tightly locked up within himself.

         That's just a couple examples of how IET can help in the school system. Children can be taught how to "heartlink," connecting with the universal energy source and creating a place of peace and wholeness. Learning about IET and how to use it can become part of the Health class. Teachers can use this universal energy for their students or for themselves. They can be taught how to use IET in the classroom and away from the classroom. Teachers who are "cleared" themselves have greater positive energy to be more patient, more kind, more focused on the "child," instead of the problems. As a teacher and an IET Master Instructor (which simply means that I am certified in all levels of IET), I can absolutely attest to the fact that IET is my energizing source for loving and being committed to every child in my classroom, as well as being calm and positive myself. It guides me to a decision that there ARE solutions for each child, and I am committed to the challenge of finding them. 

         If a child gets into trouble, instead of penalizing him/her with suspensions, why not get help for the student through IET sessions, to remove whatever block of negativity that is setting that child off. Time and time again, I've watched children fight, just because there was so much anger stored for so long, and then one little thing sets off an avalanche of violence. That same child who kicked another kid isn't bad. Each child is good. Each child is pure. Somewhere along the way, something happened to create negativity strong enough that the child is lashing out at anyone and anything that gets in his/her way. Who can do the sessions? Counselors can be trained to be therapists. Many colleges are now teaching IET and other courses in energy. As an example, I am offering courses in IET at Camden County College's Holistic Health Institute. Other colleges have courses in this as well. There is even a college in Pennsylvania that now carries a Masters Program in energy work.

         We talk about peer mediation. We talk about teaching our children how to look at each other peacefully. We talk about reaching out and "connecting" with other people in a positive way. We can teach our children to connect their positive energy with another person's energy and "bond" instead of bicker. It really can work. And then, there's World Peace. We talk about it all the time. What can the children do? How can we empower them? We can teach those children how to "send" positive energy to global situations and to encourage peaceful solutions globally. It can be done. It really can.

         What about parents?  Parents can be taught about this work, understand it so they can be supportive, and/or learn it themselves. Anyone can learn this. Parents can be taught to give their child a five-minute session and to clear any negativity that child has encountered that day. What a wonderful bond! We give our kids food, books, and computers. What about peace? What about the ability to become filled with freedom of who they are and who they will become? That's the other thing. The real goal of this program is for everyone to have an un-blocked energy flowing continuously, just like our circulatory system, and then to have that flow of energy stimulate us to find our soul missions – that wonderful thing that each of us was born to do. And that – THAT is what our school system is about – nurturing our students to reach the height of his or her abilities. That's what schools and IET are all about. Why not blend them together? We can… We really can.

         These are just a few examples. There are many more that can strengthen our schools. I can sincerely give you a guarantee of at least three major benefits. I guarantee you that an entire school can do the following through IET: raise their productivity of scholastic achievement; slice violence to shreds; and to raise the consciousness of kindness and understanding – all in one swoop. Not bad, don't you think?

         The hallways of learning can truly be opened beyond measure. This is new. This is innovative. This needs a testing ground, a pilot program. The question is: Is there a school system out there who is interested, who is excited - like we want our children to be excited about something new and wonderful? I BELIEVE there is. I'm not sure which school district yet, but I am sure the door will be opened. Energy work in the office, in hospitals, in higher levels of learning is becoming commonplace. Like the role of technology, we need energy work to start with children when they're young. They're our most precious resource and our most precious gift.

         If you are a Superintendent, Principal, guidance counselor, teacher, or parent who would like to learn more about IET and how it can help your child or your school system, I would be happy to assist you. For more information, please contact me at 856-566-5119 or at JayneDempsey@PeaceZoneEnterprises.com

          (Published in Starting Point News: February, 2003)

                                                                                       Copyright 2003 Jayne A. Milak-Dempsey